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Fostex B16 16 Track Reel to Reel Multitrack Recorder Vintage Rare
Fostex B16 Front
Fostex B16 Rear
Fostex B16 Top Left
Fostex B16 Bottom Right
Fostex B16 Tape Head
Fostex B16 Rear

Fostex B-16 Reel to Reel

HomeSales ArchiveSold Outboard/Recording

Fostex B-16 Reel to Reel
For sale is a rare vintage Fostex B16 reel to reel tape recorder. It appears to be in excellent shape. It powers up, lights up. We do not have any tape to test this with, and also not familiar with tape machines, so we are not positive on functional condition. It may need some maintenance or servicing. It is sold as-is with no warranties or guarnatees, no returns or refunds. It might be working just fine but due to unknown condition you should consider this to be a parts/repairs machine. This was owned by and came from the studio of Nashville Grammy-winning country music performer/producer Gary Scruggs (son of music legend Earl Scruggs).
Fostex B16 Rear
Fostex B16 Top Left
Fostex B16 Bottom Right
Fostex B16 Tape Head